"“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it...

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

...and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” - George Eliot

There is something about the summer's end and the beginning of the autumn that puts me in a more creative mood. I think it's because the mental image I have of autumn is so beautiful and romantic, I can't help but feel inspired. In my head, autumn looks like this:

Ebgeni Dinev
But in reality, in Cambridge at least, autumn is really like this:

You can see it's not really the same, but every year I keep hoping I'll miraculously get a gorgeous New England autumn and pumpkin-flavoured treats will magically appear everywhere.

Anyway. In the mean time, I'm working on some beautiful autumnal fragrances to try to evoke the mood, if not the weather, I expect at this time of year. I've already got some lush, warm perfumes in the shop that are perfect for the change of seasons, like Abhaile, Habondia, and Oshun, and once my latest batch of fragrance oils arrives you can expect to hear me rave excitedly about sticky toffee and buttered pecan scents. Nothing says "autumn" to me more than good foodie and cosy spice blends when it comes to perfume. And pumpkin, of course. There has to be pumpkin. And mulberry. And blackcurrant. Possibly all together.
Arvind Balaraman

And there will be solid perfumes too! I've been wanting to add solid perfumes to the shop since I opened, but it's taken me a while to decide exactly what I want to do and how. I'll talk more about those next week (yes, I am aiming to blog more often, so may as well set the deadline now), but my launch range will be created with autumn and winter in mind, so look out for dark, delicious, intriguing and unusual (and vegan-friendly!) solid perfumes in the very near future.

The other awesome thing about this time of year is Halloween, of course. Again, my mental image of Halloween is never quite matched by the reality - we've had no trick-or-treaters for two years! :( - but I can at least watch terrible b-movies 24-hours a day if I want to.

And I can make terrible b-movie perfumes! (Well, they won't be terrible. They'll be amazing! But they'll be inspired by terrible b-movies). Again, this is something I'll talk about a bit more closer to October. In the mean time, here's something to give you an idea of what's in store...

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