Christmas is Coming Early!

Friday, 28 October 2016

Image courtesy of OZphotography at FreeDigital
Normally I would severely object to anyone talking about Christmas before we've even had Bonfire Night, but I'm making an exception this year.

So! Here's the important bit: Between Monday October 31st and Sunday November 6th, I'll be offering 10% off all full-sized perfume oils and solid perfumes (including Raw Brimstone perfumes).

On Monday 7th November, Common Brimstone will be closing for an extended winter break. So you've got just over a week to get your orders in before I shut until 2017!

The less important bit is the reason I'll be closing so early in the year, which is basically so I can write two books and edit three more (hopefully before the end of the year, but probably not...). That isn't really of interest to you guys, but I usually like to stay open as long as I reasonably can in the run-up to Christmas. This year, however, I need to focus on the writing. Closing early and for a longer period than usual will also give me time to make a ton of new perfumes for 2017, so it's not all bad news!

So, the short version of all this is: Sale! From Monday! 10% off full-sized perfume oils and solids! Enjoy!

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